1. I love scrapbooking and have been doing it for the last 4 years.
2. My eldest came home from school with a junk model dragon that he and several friends had made on the basis that his mum was 'good at fixing things' and its head had become detached!
3. I dabble in knitting and a bit of sewing.
4. I have done a couple of mini book classes at my local craft group.
5. I enjoy making cakes and having the challenge of creating them to order for my kids birthdays...made penguins,darleks, Mr Men....
6. I like growing my own veg and fruit...is that creative? I enjoying seeing them all grow and then eating them of course :)
7. Oh and I have been using the computer creatively to make this blog!!!
Thanks for sharing! I had to laugh at your DS for bringing home the dragon that you could "fix". LOL