
Thursday, 6 December 2012

Jane's Christmas Decoration - ATDML Retreat

Here is another one of my creations from the ATDML retreat....I have to confess to putting myself down for all 5 classes on the Saturday - so I did lots of crafting that day!  I know to give myself a bit of a break inbetween classes next time so I can finish off some of the items I start.

This set of Christmas windows was devised by Jane Hewitt - and I wanted to do the class because I can often be a little intimidated by Graphic 45 papers and the wonderful things that I see made from it was lovely to be taken through a class step by step which fantastic instructions - I didn't vary off the instructed path either - so mine is as close a copy to Jane's model as it could possibly be!  We used a 7 Gypsies chipboard base, and then covered it in Graphic 45 Nutcracker suite papers - this is the 6 by 6 pad.  There was lots of fussy cutting and great  ideas to help the papers shrink to fit the chipboard shapes we were covering - like the fact that the toy soldier is on the page with the dancing fairy that is at the back of the house.  Just to add to this decoration is the flameless candle which we wrapped in a journal card.


  1. What a fabulous project - just beautiful.

    Toni xx

  2. Wow - this is amazing!!!! Truly incredible!!! xo

  3. This is lovely. It sounds like a great retreat with so many varied classes to suit everyone, or to take part in all of then! That's what we'd have wanted to do too.

  4. This is absolutely fabulous where do you get to do all these classes. I'm sooo jealous.Can you bring it along next Wednesday?

  5. Completely fab - love the idea, and the execution!
    Alison x

  6. That is just amazing! Yes I learned the hard way not to sign up for back-to-back classes at retreats. :o)
    Sue x

  7. ooooh how i'd love to have a closer look at this. Gorgeous x

  8. It was a fab class wasn't it? I love mine too and it was nice to share the finishing off across the table with you!

  9. this is fantastic!!!

  10. A-MAY-ZING!!! I love all the details on there xx


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