
Monday, 5 August 2013

The Sweet Game

Hello, this weeks challenge over at the Studio is to use at least 3 photos on a page.  I often use 1 photo so it was a great excuse to have a rummage and find a few photos on a theme and use some new very boyish echo park papers I picked up on my holidays!

I started by cutting out some chevrons, and then I stuck them in different areas on my page, trying to highlight the sweets in the photos....and then stitched across in lines through the chevrons.  I cut a strip of yellow for the central photo area of my page and cut out several wheels that were on the papers, layering them around the photos, then a few stickers (some of them are from the This and That range...sequins, a little ink and a combination of Glitz and American Crafts for the Alphabet.

Whilst on holiday we developed a surprisingly fun game (I was surprised that they requested it and really enjoyed it!).  Basically you had a sweet - these are probably wine gums and then had to see how long you could suck it for (preferably until we got to our destination) so here are some photos to document how well they were all doing with it!  The kids loved it!!

So if you would like to incorporate 3 or more photos on a page then link it up with the challenge here.


  1. Cool design and photos - love how you have cut elements from papers and used them as embellies - very clever!

  2. Very nice. Thought you were on hols though.

  3. we always play this on a journey.......I always always loose :) great subject for a layout. and great layout x


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