
Sunday, 13 July 2014

Durdle Door - with a sketch

Here is a page that I made using some beautiful Kaisercraft papers and has already appeared on the ATDML blog.  It is based on the monthly sketch by Scrap365 - I love a sketch to start me off, and actually I ended up only using inks, texture paste, lace, pearls and stickers.

I started with some pink tattered angles mist, and ran some drips and then used a studio calico mask on top once it had all dried.  I tucked the big Kaisercraft floral sticker behind the photo and some Websters Lace underneath, then a couple of ruler arrows (again some Kaisercraft stickers) and a Glitz scrabble alphabet with a couple of pearls by Hobby House.  It was really quick to put together but I love it.


  1. Seriously pretty layout, I would never have thought to use that colour but it really works with this layout!

  2. I love all the different textures and the dripping paint on this. Good job!

  3. Ooh I must check out that sketch - your page is inspiring! Thank you.
    Sue x

  4. Absolutely lovely layout! Thank you for sharing with us at Scrap365 <3

  5. <3 thank you for playing along with us at Scrap 365!

  6. Stunning page Katherine, I love the drippy inks! Thank you so much for playing along with the Scrap 365 Sketch Challenge! x

  7. An absolutely fab layout You're making me feel so guilty got so much scrapping to do. I've been knitting must get my priorities right mustn't I.


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