
Monday, 18 August 2014

School Days

My kit from ATDML this month was October Afternoon, and as I had the papers out and to hand during the Cybercrop a few weeks back, I made some pages with it for that too.  I started with some mists and a stencil and tore some A4 paper in half to create the area I wanted for the mist.  I used the Public Library range of papers, which is lovely and full of vintageness - so I layered up lots of strips of paper behind the photo and hen embellished with some of the stickers - like the pile of books and the little 'Learn' flag, and made myself some buying by cutting out the numbers and then stapling it on twine.  A few wood veneers - the apple went perfectly with the theme and then the arrows to draw attention to the little title.  I've had this picture printed out for ages, but not used it, so they were the perfect papers for it.

I'll be back with more October Afternoon later on in the week - you can also find another page appearing on Created by ATDML today here.


  1. Love the page layout. love that background effect and the embellishments especially the chevrons

  2. This is really lovely.
    Claire xx


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