This is the first of my classes from the ukscrappers cybercrop, not going to get to do all the classes in the weekend, but will probably have a go at the rest of them at home. This was a messy painty one called Bow Street and created by Gertie. Used lots of scraps of paper, some wild saffron k and co, my martha stewart double loop edge punch...ruffled and layered them all up. Then we had to use a mixture of stickers for the title and paint over them, so some of these are colorbok ones, DCWV ones and other bits I found. Added ribbon and lace and some stickers and frames that I had and this is what I got. Peeling of the stickers was a little tricky as some of the more paper ones seemed to get a bit stuck and soggy with the paint, but other than that it worked well and I enjoyed making all the mess. This photo was taken from one of our half term trips to Knebworth in the middle of the maze!
Fabby Lo