
Saturday, 24 April 2010

Who is the Monkey

This is the first of my classes from the ukscrappers cybercrop, not going to get to do all the classes in the weekend, but will probably have a go at the rest of them at home. This was a messy painty one called Bow Street and created by Gertie. Used lots of scraps of paper, some wild saffron k and co, my martha stewart double loop edge punch...ruffled and layered them all up. Then we had to use a mixture of stickers for the title and paint over them, so some of these are colorbok ones, DCWV ones and other bits I found. Added ribbon and lace and some stickers and frames that I had and this is what I got. Peeling of the stickers was a little tricky as some of the more paper ones seemed to get a bit stuck and soggy with the paint, but other than that it worked well and I enjoyed making all the mess. This photo was taken from one of our half term trips to Knebworth in the middle of the maze!

1 comment:

I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)