
Saturday, 10 July 2010

More flowers

Gabrielle Pollaco posted some flowers she made on her blog here and here so I had to have a go, here are the results. The base is made with lots of hearts and then the tops is a twist on a swirl flower made with krinkle scissors!
Here is my 2nd bloom - made with a different set of my krinkle scissors and now placed on my LO for the UKscrappers monthly challenge - still not quite finished it yet, but this flower is going to feature as a new technique that I used on the LO. They are great fun to make, so hope this inspires you to go look and have a go.


  1. those are just lovely :0)

  2. These are yummy and you've made them beautifully, thanks for sharing!

  3. They're really lovely, might have to try these for myself :)


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)