
Thursday, 15 March 2012

Awards and Birthday Card - We Scrap

I realised I hadn't posted this card that I made with the WeScrap March kit which has lots of MME Funday papers in it.  I did a wash of the background with the peacock colour by cosmic shimmer, I then die cut the doily using my spellbinders ironworks die, I punched a flower shape out of several papers and then stuck them back together, a Martha Steward butterfly and button - so really quick and easy.

Also...this is a thank you post for some fab awards you have given me of late :)  I have been really late in saying this so apologies.

So 1st up is the Leibster award (awardees please don't feel you have to take up the award as I know lots of people will probably have received it, but I just wanted to link you all and say I enjoy all that you blogs :D)

What is a Liebster Blog Award you ask?  Here are the details…
The origins of the Liebster Blog Award are unclear but "the word translates from German as "darling" or "beloved". It's given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to generate some traffic for them.
Here are the guidelines for the Liebster Blog Award
1. Acknowledge the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2.Give this award to 5 other bloggers, who must have less than 200 followers, and let them know through a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog
4. Best of all- bask in the glory, have fun, and share the love!
so a big thank you to Becky and the afternoon scrapper
and I would like to pass it on to

Dawn who has just started blogging and is doing a fantastic job (I'm enjoying her blog lots), filling it with craft and cookery :)

Virginia my teamie on Ukscrappers who does the MOST amazing art journalling - you need to go and look :)

Christa who I know from WeScrap and she just does beautiful pages...what more can I say.

Hannah another friend from Ukscrappers who is studying hard at the moment but she makes beautiful cards and pages.  I just love her designs

Michelle who makes some of the most beautiful cards and paper goodies, I always love what she has created.

The other award I have been lucky enough to receive is the Versatile Blogger so a big thank you to Marie

The conditions of accepting this award are

  • To thank the person who gave it to you and include a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 blogs that you have either recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Tell them you have nominated them for the award.
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

here are seven things about me:

There are loads of blogs that I love to visit piled high with inspiration - lots of them are on my I am going to do some sidebar updating to make sure I include all the new ones I find in leu of the 15 blogs I enjoy.

A bit about me :

1. I love sci-fi stuff.
2. We go camping for holidays...but this year is our dream disney one!
3. I studied history.
4. My artwork was mostly described as interesting at school (I always took that as a negative!).
5. One of my favourite colours is purple.
6. I love the smell of spring (you know first thing in the morning when everything is fresh and the sun is just starting to shine and it smells of spring).
7. I love snow... and enjoy sledging, building snowmen and snowball fights almost more than my kids.


  1. What a lovely card - I love the colours you have used.

    Toni xx

  2. Love that colour combination:) I like sic fi too, do you think that if you have boys it sort of rubs off on you or did you like it before you had them?

  3. Oh thank you sweetie, I'll have to have a think on this one - off to look at the links though!

  4. Well thank you how nice an award. I'm a big kid so any award prize etc is always much appreciated. Well particularly when they a very scarce. cards great too by the way

  5. Hi Sutty,
    Thank you ever so much for passing your award to me. You are correct, I am incredibly busy at the moment with work, but I shall be back on the blog in the next week or so with some makes and good news :) I shall not probably find time to pass the award on, but thank you ever so much for passing it on to me, it means a lot, and thanks for sticking with me through my quiet times on the blogging front :)
    Gorgeous card, I love those colours :)
    Hannah :)

  6. That's such a lovely card, and it's really nice to get to know more about you


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)