
Friday, 23 March 2012

My Sunshine On a Rainy Day

This is a page I did based on the MME sketch over on their blog, you have to use mostly MME products and since I am loving their new papers I thought I ought to use up some of the older ones 1st :)  This is a picture from a trip into London and the kids wanted their shot in front of this massive sculpture - I should have written down what it was for, the day was one of those  ones with a mixture of rain and bright sunshine, which is echoed in the title....though the main reason for the title is because these 2 bring lots of joy into my life and regularly give me something to smile about.

I cut out the title on my silhouette and used part of it as a mask and then cut it in yellow to make the sunshine stand out.  I lightly glued the title down with a re positional  glue and then spritzed the whole sheet with some tattered angels chalk mist, I added a few extra splashes at each side too.  Once dry I then outlined the letters with a white gel pen.  The papers are mostly from the original lost and found range, though the yellow is from their quite contrary range. I cut and stitched and ruffled all the sheets and added a torn glassine envelope behind the photo in the mix, I also inked all the edges.  For the photo I had it in both colour and black and white so I cut out the colour section and stuck it on top of the black and white to try and make the boys stand out a little more.  I then layered up the banner with lace and papers, made a rosette flower and added some of the brads, and also added the sunshine at the top using twine and my sewing machine.

In other news I have posted a calorie free cake over at It's a Creative World today, and also all this week and next Amanda Jones is running the vintage series on her blog  and you get a look at some of my storage today, as well as lots of other great ideas.


  1. Lovely! I love the distressed edeges and all the layering... and your bunting is just gorgeous! :)

  2. This is really beautiful I love the sun peeking out at the top. Chris xx

  3. so many amazing details!!!!

  4. the big title is great - fabulous page x

  5. Love it ! The muted colours and distressed edges

  6. Layering and elements work well together

  7. I love how the title goes so well with the sun peaking from behind. Great colors.

  8. Love how you masked part of the title!
    Alison xx

  9. I love every bit of this LO! And what a great idea to mix colour & black and white for your pic!!

  10. love all the distressing! great layout!


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)