
Friday, 8 June 2012

2012 Marathon

We went to the London Marathon this year to support 2 friends running it.  We painted a yellow banner the day before, got up early made packed lunches and headed into London.  We saw them both around Canada Water and then again alongside the river Thames near Horse Guard Parade - it was a great day (we were quite exhausted from dashing across London with the kids- tho you can't say anything to people that have just run 26 miles :)).  It was a great day with huge crowds of people, live music and lots of cheering.

I decided to have a go at using a map as a background (I do wonder about my choice as other people seem to work the map background a lot better than me and I think mine is a bit too busy).  The paper is pink paislee.  I then used some of the portrait line by Crate Paper to pick up the yellow and red in the banner, I layered up lots of die cuts and doilies and added bits of guess.  I used my negative strip to thread twine through and added some vintage buttons.  So another quite messy painty page from me, but a good use up of some of my older bits of papers.


  1. Another master piece I really love the map bits etc it looks great

  2. Hi Kat, you have done a fantastic job with the map is very appropriate for your layout and i don't think it looks busy at all.
    Love it x

  3. As for me, I thinks it works perfectly on your page! What a beautiful LO!!

  4. gorgeous layout - love all the layering :)

  5. Really love maps on layouts - adding this to my to try list :)

  6. It sounds like a great day out. The map background works really well, especially on layouts about a specific place.

  7. Well I think the background is great, not too much at all. Sounds like you had a great time too.

  8. Love the layout! Great pictures and fun details!

  9. When I saw this LO the first thing I thought was "what a fab background". The design might be fussy but because of the limited colours it doesn't come across that way. Really super LO.

    Toni xx

  10. What a great background! You worked in that map beautifully.

  11. Love those peeking touches of lace that soften the edges. Nicely done!

  12. that map is perfect!Great Page.

  13. What a wonderful page, I love it! I have that map paper too, but haven't used it yet ;)

    Oh and thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving such a sweet comment, it was much appreciated.

  14. It's a great page.i love all the little details you've put into it.

  15. I think your map background works perfectly! Great page and what a fun thing to document!

  16. Yep I agree...super background, and great layout!

  17. I agree with the others too! I really like the map, and it works well with all of your other details!

  18. Your scrapbook pages looks great -- I don't think the map is busy looking at all!

    Thanks for the comment on my post. Feel free to use my photos as a background it if works out for ya.


  19. The map background is totally fitting!! Great layout :)

  20. That's a fun page! I love all the layers and colour pops. The photos are great too. Map looks fine - I dont think it's too busy.
    Thanks for your nice comment about my artist book, btw!

  21. Fantastic layout, it really pops.
    C xx


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)