
Monday, 16 July 2012

Baking Cakes

I created this page for the studio challenge blog, there is a sketch to use and I followed it fairly closely.  It is a proud photo moment this was my first use of my piping bag for decorating cakes and I wasn't sure how they were going to turn out, but I was really pleased with the end result.

The papers are all from the Dear Lizzy range by American Crafts and are 'hundreds and thousands' (sprinkles) colours.  I used a plate to cut out the circle which I inked and stitched around, I hand cut all the pieces except for the small circle....anything circular in my house is at risk of being drawn around for a page.  The bunting is also part of the Dear Lizzy range, so I had fun detaching it from the large sheet and arranging it on the page.  I added a few flicks of green shimmer mist and sine Nartga Stewart butterflies, the cake embellishment is by American Crafts too.  My final step was a line around the page to frame it.


  1. Great take on the sketch! This line is perfect for your photo. Looks so good I may have to hit a bakery today for a yummy cupcake! :)

  2. That is gorgeous :) Love those papers!

  3. very sweet page ♥ love those cute details

  4. Love the LO - the butterflies and ink spots look very effective...and those cakes look super yummy.

    Toni xx

  5. Beautiful page with beautiful details!

  6. Such a sweet layout! Great colors and you did really well with that piping bag.

  7. Super layout, love all the stitching and the little cakes look soooo good!

  8. So whimsical and fun, love the little banners.

  9. another gorgeous layout, I used some tiny butterflies on a layout last week as well! The little cake is sooooooooooo sweet too!

  10. Oh wow! Yet another gorgeous layout!!! So inspiring!

  11. Gorgeous LO, and the cakes look good enoughto eat

  12. ooooh cakes look good - you done a good job with your piping. gorgeous page too x

  13. Love those cakes. I am on a diet and live vicariously through food posts. Great layout.

  14. Yummy!Love the cakes and the layout!

  15. oh what a yummy layout! so fun! great job

  16. such a yummy page! Love the texture!

  17. Another gorgeous layout. I'm never brave enough to stitch over alphas, but they look so cool.


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