
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Holiday Mini Book

One of the classes over at the Ukscrappers cybercrop was to make this mini and there are fantastic instructions by DeeMo which you will find through that link.   It is a really sturdy and the pages all have some interest on them whether it is pockets or other minis.  I decided to make my mini about our recent holiday to Florida and to my delight I discovered that the Amy Tangerine papers had a Florida piece of map in them that was perfect for my cover, and I used the same paper range throughout the  book.

So the 1st page has a disney shot and then some journalling about the holiday - the next page contains some of the seaworld photos.

 and a close up of one of the dolphins too

Then are some of my hollywood studios photos with a little mini book inside the minibook which contains some classic holiday memories - including the explosion of a rubber ring that my Dad jumped on in the pool...if only the video camera had been running!

Then one of our favourite parks - the Wild Animal park...

Next some of the Epcot photos and fireworks

 Then our trip to the Kennedy Space Centre and also one of the photos from the Disney Water Parks - again lots of journalling

Some photos of the second part of our holiday which was down in Naples and where we went on a trip to see the amazing Everglades

 Lastly some pool shots of us and then a bit about Hurricane Isaac that fortunately missed us, but they were getting quite worried about!

So there it is a few of the photos, as naturally as a scrapper I have literally hundreds more of this holiday which I will enjoy scrapping :)


  1. That's one amazing book, Sutty! Well doen and thanks for sharing.
    Sue x

  2. What a onderful memory boik, my daughter travels to America a lot so I will direct her to this post for inspiration.

  3. how lovely :) I still have mine to do! Looks like a fab holiday too.

  4. Oh that's lovely Kat, I loved that book - so much I've prepared covers for two more!

  5. What a great album of what looks like an amazing holiday! Love the vivid papers (and I'm imagining the desk chaos you reported!)...
    Alison x

  6. a lovely keepsake Kat...I've got very similar photos to yours lol! we had hurrican Sandy scares though x

  7. This is lovely Katherine - and the holiday looked fab!

  8. Fantastic album. I love the colours and all the hidden surprises. Thanks for the link. I never seem to get to grips with how the cyber crops work, so missed it on UKS, but I've downloaded the PDF now and look forward to having a go some time.

  9. This came together really it! Looks so fun to make :)

  10. Love, love the mini book. I love other peoples but just cant get into them myself...


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)