
Wednesday, 23 January 2013


This month I was sent a mix of Simple Stories papers from A Trip Down Memory Lane, I love the colours and all the different journal bits and strips...these are all from the snap collection.

I started the page with a spritz of blue around where I wanted to put my photo (blue patina by tattered angels) and then set about cutting out lots of the speech bubbles to put around my photos.  I added one of the polaroids from the papers and cut out the camera as well as adding a layer of glassine envelope.  I used the washi tape stickers and the word 'hello from their main sticker sheet for the title.  At the top and bottom of the page I added a line of MME washi tape and then a strip of left over paper.  I had a play with making a twine flower by creating loops behind the button - using this principle (but the twine is not as stiff so moves around a bit more).

This is my son, who found a pay phone and then couldn't resist having a conversation down it...he does make us all laugh - and was obviously quite happy to have his photo taken talking too.

There is loads of Simple Story inspiration in the ATDML gallery - I'll be posting my pages over the next few days.


  1. Gorgeous page, love the bright colours and all the speech bubbles!

  2. The bright papers bring out the fun in the photo. Another great layout

  3. Gorgeous layout as always, love those papers!

  4. great page love the twine flower

  5. Oooh I love the Snap stuff, Sutty, and your page shows it off beautifully.
    Sue x

  6. So fun and colorful!
    Love your twine flower. It turned out cute!!

  7. Really nice page. I love the twine flower!

  8. one of them moments when luckily you have the camera to hand. Brilliant page x

  9. Cute layout, love the snap collection :)

  10. Fantastic! I love the photos, they are so fun. And the twine flower looks really great, I love the star in the centre! x

  11. Gorgeous page,I love that twine flower,so effective.x

  12. I love how you used the SN@P products. Lots of fun.

  13. Oh this is fantastic, love the way the whole layout pops.
    C xx


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)