
Friday, 7 June 2013

Couple of Clean and Simple cards

Here are a couple of bunting filled cards I made with the rest of my ATDML kit...really clean and simple - I also used the Simple Stories speech bubble stamp that I picked up at the retreat - it comes in a really nice set with cameras and arrows, all sorts, so I pegged it onto my washing line.

For the 2nd card I cut out a house from the Yes Please collection, then mounted it and added a small banner beneath - I also dug out some American Crafts stamps and tried some multi coloured chevron stamping which I want to try on a larger scale...I am really keen to try and use my stamps more on my projects and it's really easy with to try some more on my LOs!


  1. I think I need to give you my address lol .... These cards will make anyone's day :)

  2. Both cards look great but I partixularly looooove the first one :-)

  3. Both cards look great but I partixularly looooove the first one :-)

  4. Simply beautiful cards. I am enjoying stamps on layouts at the moment....have fun x

  5. Oh having a catch up and spotted your gorgeous cards, hope you are well!

  6. These are just lovely. Anyone would be delighted to receive these

  7. Cute AND simple... love that combination!

  8. Great Cards- nice a quick to make too :)


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)