
Monday, 23 September 2013

A couple of Cards

Here are a couple of cards that I made using the Fancy Pants Park Drive and then Trendsetter collections of paper.  The first card was made using lots of offcuts and the big camera stamp is by Simple Stories as well as the noteworthy stamp.  I layered up the papers, added some twine too, and inked all the edges.

I was a little more ambitious with the second card, making a kind of stepped card - I used some 12 by 12 and then created 3 sections of 4" - the last 2 sections I cut at an angle so when you fold it you get the steps.  I stitched and layered lots of the Trendsetter papers on my different panels, and some bunting and stickers.  I also used my circle and scalloped circle punches to decorate the front.


  1. Lovely cards Katherine - that camera stamped one would also be great as a set of note cards.

    Toni xx

  2. love the camera card - fantastic x

  3. They are great cards! Happy scrapping, jenx


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