
Monday, 15 December 2014

December Daily part 6 and 7

Moving on to days 6 and 7, as we were putting up the Christmas tree I tried a striped Christmas tree design on my page - I also had a Christmas tree thicker in one of the pockets with the date on (that was an Ali Edwards idea).  Elfbob was found in a packet of jellybabies!

I added little rows of pearls to my tree.

Day 7 is more of a story had been a nice chilled Sunday...but there is a running joke about the weeping angels from Dr Who in our family, and so any statue could be a weeping angel.  It started again at Christmas as in Costco there was a large (about 2ft high) nativity set made out of stone and its design was very similar to the we talked about Dad having the set in his garden and then we could move the angel figure all about.  Anyway the kids find it amusing so here is my youngest pretending to be scared of the rather nice angel in the my parents nativity set...this just a small nativity set - my Dad secretly would love a really big nativity set.  The last page is Elfbob getting tied up in the light, and it has a frame that I made in Karen Moss' class at the ATDML retreat last year - I had to keep really still so that I didn't get a blurred photo for this one as I didn't want any flash.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for taking on the DD. I've attempted twice in the past and just have never been able to stick it through. I have such respect for those that do!


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