
Wednesday, 29 April 2015

First Day with Websters Hall Pass

I was sent lots of Websters to play with for this months kit from A Trip Down Memory Lane, I'll share a page that I made with Hall Pass that wasn't school related later on in the week.  I love the vellums in this kit, they are a really great extra layer, and I like the interest that that transparent layer adds.  

I started by elastic banding (new term) some letters from a wooden alphabet that I have (it came from Costco ages ago) and did some stamping on the background to add to the school feel.  I then layered up and distressed lots of papers, and vellum.  I also had a go at tearing washi or in this case tissue tape in half and just tucking it around the page.  I Added a couple of the more school related stickers and added layers of paper to the top and bottom of my page.

There's lots more Websters inspiration over in the gallery if you want to take a look here is the link.

1 comment:

I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)