
Monday, 3 January 2011


My first page of 2011, I haven't been able to do that much scrapping recently as we had some major building work done to our house, but now most of the decoration is done and I have a little room to scrap in I am well away.  For this LO I used lots of different bits, the papers are vintage blue by We are Memory Keepers, I got my white acrylic paint our, and stenciled some Martha Stewart butterflies and  also dry brushed the paint around the edge of the papers, and over the papermania sticker title...the stickers are green underneath! I also made a paperfringe and swirled it - I like the effect when you have double sided papers, damped and scrumpled a paper ribbon and cut out some of the birds from one of the papers.  The stitched paper was all done for me, so added a little journalling with my new Christmas present frame stamps, and some Brenda Pinnick rubons I got in a kit and this is what I came up with.  It is a picture from our holiday in the summer which was great and very warm.

I wish everyone a happy and good 2011 and look forward to blogging a lot more often again, especially now I have a small area I can make messy with all my papers :)


  1. I love this layout, the colours are fab and I love the paper fringe - great start to the new year!

  2. gorgeous layout, love the vibrancy made by the rainbow of colours with the fringing

  3. Lovely layout Kat. There is so much to see...I love the butterflies and birds. TFS. ~Glen~

  4. Love lots about this layout....the MS butterfly, the texture of paint on ard, the scrunchyness of the frills and rolls. It's totally gorge.

  5. Great layout loving the fringe and ruffled paper :)

  6. oohh this is just lovely - looks like 2011 is going to be a great scrapping year for you.

  7. Great LO Kat. I love the butterfly masking in the corner and the folded pp. Good to see you making use of your craft room already!!


I love reading all your comments so thank you for leaving me one :)