
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

UTEE Frame

This is my first attempt at a UTEE frame, thanks to the advice from my friends on Ukscrappers I managed to get tips on how to do this and a link to the Stampman blog.  I painted my frame 1st in purple and blue acrylic paint, then covered it in one of my wet ink pads and started adding clear UTEE - which was very dappled at 1st but as you build up the layers it gets smoother...I then did patches of different colours all over the frame, and heated up some more silver,purple and blue UTEE in my melt pot.  I had a go at pouring this out and stamping into it, and whilst it was still warm (though be very careful I have singed fingers) I was able to cut out and break off the bits of the stamps I wanted and then melted that and the remanents of UTEE into my frame.  I then covered some MS monarch butterflies in UTEE and some flowers in that spare UTEE, melted and stuck them on.  I tried adding some small beedz into the UTEE too....I added a little glitter and some perfect pearls which is the shimmer you can see in the stamped images.  Time flew whilst I was doing this and my kids want to have a go at it too :) I still need to learn lots about UTEE and melt pot but had a lot of fun making this!


  1. it looks gorgeous so well done on giving it a go!!

  2. That is so very beautiful, well done,
    H xx

  3. You must be over the moon with this - it's gorgeous.

  4. you were brave to try something new, its a gorgeously frame, great colour and dimension :)

  5. I love this!! Absolutely stunning. Following x

  6. Wow that's gorgeous! Can't believe that was your first attempt, you must be really pleased :D

  7. Well done, it looks absolutely amazing!!

  8. really like that, I've got a frame I've been wanting to alter with UTEE but didn't dare incase it went wrong, I'm gonna have a go now

  9. Very pretty Kat. *Ü* Great job. I love the colour combo and the quote. TFS. ~Glen~

  10. Wow, that is beautiful, I love the colours, and all the little details. x


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